Become a Member

Become a member of The Brompton Fountain and receive regular updates on activities, events, and news. Membership is open to everyone, whether you are family who has just been referred to Royal Brompton or Harefield Hospitals, have been receiving treatment for many years, are a member of staff, or are one of our amazing donors or supporters.

As a ‘Brompton Family’ member (Parent/Carer/Patient) you will be updated on events that are run especially for you – including parties, workshops, and classes. Plus you will have information about giveaways and offers that we are able to provide through our corporate friends.

If you have any questions please do get in touch via the Contact Us page or by email

Membership Sign-up

What is your connection to Royal Brompton or Harefield Hospitals? *
Your response will help us to ensure that you receive information that is relevant to you.

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